Frederick Robert Higgins was a Poet, Playwright and managing director of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. He was the eldest of nine children. He published four volumes of poetry: Island Blood (1925); The Dark Breed (1927); Arable Holdings (1933); and The Gap of Brightness (1940). One of his better known poems, from the last volume, is "Father and Son". Following his death, the Irish Times published several notices, obituaries and tributes.
The following obituary appeared in The Irish Times on 9 January 1941:
__We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. F. R. Higgins, one of the foremost poets writing in the English language, which, as announced in our late editions of yesterday, has taken place in Dublin, after a brief illness. Mr. Higgins, who had been suffering from heart trouble for some time, collapsed on Tuesday morning while transacting business near Jervis Street Hospital, and he was taken to the hospital in a very serious condition. Shortly after admission he became unconscious. He died shortly before four o'clock yesterday morning. With the passing of F. R. Higgins a real poet is removed from the world. He was a young man - only forty-four years of age - and it may be said that he had not yet come to the full flower of his genius. The bulk of his work is not large - for to be a poet alone will rarely pay the rent in these times, and he had to work for his living - but such of it as there is has frequently the quality of greatness. Mr. Desmond MacCarthy, one of the most distinguished literary critics of our time, when he reviewed "The Gap of Brightness" - Mr. Higgins's collected poems - in the Irish Times last July, wrote:-
__”This slender volume has impressed me more than any recent verse that I have come across. The spirit of Mr. Higgins keeps close to experience, yet it is gallant, wistful, extravagant and free, while his pencraft - I must repeat this - is a joy to those who love words that fit the thing." Mr. MacCarthy spoke of his "mastery of pencraft" his "felicity of phrase," his "astonishing gift of phrase," his "profound intuition," and of the dramatic qualities, the humour and the rapture of his poetry. One, indeed, who stood among the great poets of our time has passed away.
__Frederick Robert Higgins was born in April, 1896, at Foxford, County Mayo, the eldest son of the late Mr. Joseph Higgins and Mrs. Annie Higgins, of Higginsbrook, County Meath, and it was in the royal land of Meath that he spent his early and most impressionable years. He loved all Ireland, but Meath, naturally enough, was nearest and dearest to his heart. One of his most vigorous and most poignant poems was "Auction," with its appropriate refrain, "Going, going, gone," in which he describes the "beef-belted, pea-eyed men of Meath" and the sale of that old house which he loved so well:
__A house of ghosts and that among
__Gardens where even the Spring is old;
__So gather round, the sale is on,
__And nods and winks spell out in gold,
__Going, going, gone.
__For a number of years before his death Mr. Higgins was manager of the Abbey Theatre, and one of the most active members of the board of directors. He was largely responsible for the renascent policy upon which the theatre embarked soon after the outbreak of the present war. People had begun to take the Abbey for granted. Attendances were falling off. There was seldom a new play, and the theatre for some time had been almost living on "revivals." The new policy was that nothing but new plays should be produced henceforward, and Mr. Higgins expressed the opinion that there were enough plays being written to enable the Abbey to continue almost indefinitely without ever repeating anything of more than a year old. The policy gave new life to the theatre, and since it came into operation some six months ago the theatre has not once had to fall back - as so often in the past - on revivals of the old favourites. Indeed, one of the new plays, George Shiels's "The Rugged Path," was on the boards for twelve weeks, and had the longest "run" of any play ever performed at the Abbey.
__Mr. Higgins was himself the author of several plays, including "A Deuce o' Jacks," a one-act comedy, which was produced and well received at the Abbey in 1935. During that same year he was joint editor with the late W. B. Yeats of a new series of "broadsides," produced by the Cuala Press.
__During his short life he contributed extensively to literary periodicals and anthologies in America, England and Ireland, writing poetry, criticism and short stories, and he showed remarkable versatility. At fourteen years of age he started to earn his living in a building provider's office in Dublin, and, after some years at clerical work, he became an official in the Irish Labour movement. During that time he began to contribute to various literary and economic Irish reviews, and - strange occupation for a poet! - he was for a time editor of an Irish trade journal. He was a foundation member and honorary secretary of the Irish Academy of Letters, and for his poems, "Arable Holdings," the Academy honoured him with the Casement Award. From 1928 to 1932 he was Adjudicator of Poetry in Aonach Tailteann. In 1924, incidentally, he himself won the Aonach Tailteann Award for Poetry with his book, "Salt Air." For some years he has been Professor of Literature in the Royal Hiber- nian Academy of Arts.
__Mr. Higgins was almost as well known in America as he was in his native country, and a few years ago he made a successful lecture tour in the United States and Canada. As managing director of the Abbey Theatre he again crossed the Atlantic in 1937, when the company made its last and highly successful tour of Canada and the States.
__In 1921 he married Miss Beatrice May, only daughter of the late James Moore, of Clontarf, who survives him. Both his mother and his wife were with him when he died.