Bishop Richard Meredith

Ancestors, Descendants and related Meredith branches


This website presents the results of research into the genealogy of Richard Meredith, Bishop of Leighlin who emigrated from Wales to Ireland in 1584 as the chaplain of Sir John Perrott, the Lord Deputy of Ireland.

The genealogy of two other, distantly-related Meredith branches is also presented:
- Griffith Meredith of Llangynllo and Devon, and
- Sir William Meredith of Stansty, Wrexham.
The interest in these latter two branches lies in the fact that some pedigrees in circulation assert that they are closely related to Bishop Richard Meredith and are all from Llangynllo. In fact their common ancestor, Rhodri Mawr, is distant by some 20 generations.

To display information about a person:

  • select a name from the Surname Index;
  • go to Charts to select a name directly from ancestor and descendant trees;
  • for direct links to some notable ancestors, descendants and distant relatives of the Bishop click on Notable People.

For selected Summary Reports see Reports.

Every page on the website has a link to a Search Form in the menubar, which can be used to find people by name, date and/or place. 


For more on Meredith family history see:
Meredith Genealogy Online and the Irish Meredith website.

Acknowledgements: Grateful thanks for their contributions go to members of Sharon Haggerty's Meredith History List: Peter Kilburn, Paul Meredith, Hilary Yewlett, Lex Johnson, Ruth Meredith, Linda Sherlock, Ellen Meredith, Barry Wright, Sandra Hossack, Mark Meredith, and especially to Sharon herself for all her contributions and for organising us all so tirelessly